Some of It Is Mine

Some of It Is Mine, a famous poem by author, Ruth Desjardins

Do you feel the pain around,

Recorded there by time–

Screaming through the universe?

Some of it is mine.


Can you hear the voices?

Can you read the signs?

Can you hear the whispers?

Some of them are mine.


I had to learn the questions,

Then look for answers too;

The journey ever inward

That reaches outward too.


Looking through another’s eyes

Had only made me blind;

I had to look for dreams again,

For some of them are mine.


Echoes through a universe,

Spinning past the stars,

Expanding into vastness–

This is where they are.


Moments of a silent soul,

Secrets lost in time..

I had to touch eternity

For some of it is mine.


Can you hear the laughter?

Can you taste the wine?

Do you see the sparkles?

Some of them are mine.


Do you feel the glow inside?

Or see the light that shines?

Can you hear the promises?

Some of them are mine.


Can you feel the beat of life?

Do you hear the rhymes?

Have you found the answers?

Some of them are mine.


Do you hear the singing?

And feel the music climb?

Some of it is yours, I know,

And some of it is mine.


By Ruth Desjardins